Thanks for stopping by. This page contains a summary of the book and a description of key parts of this website.
Book Summary
In 1976, simple bad luck took my brother’s sight. Of course that was sad, but my brother has always found ways to make people laugh, even about serious issues. One serious issue came up when he attended a school for blind adults. He heard crying almost every week, from other adults who lost their sight. The school also showed him things that were less serious–like beep-baseball, downhill ski races with blind racers, and all the laughs and romance that most young men enjoy. This book is about my blind brother, but the message is how any of us can respond to bad luck, whether we have sight or not.
Key Parts of this Website
The list below describes parts of this site where I’ll be adding more content from the book.
- News: Descriptions of groups I’ll work with, appearances I’ll make, and other updates.
- Video: Video recordings where I perform sections from the book, real-life events related to the book, or appearances I’ll make.
Click the button below to receive updates about this website and a monthly newsletter about current issues about working through blindness and bad luck. Issues about blindness will relate to blind sports and services. Issues about working through bad luck will involve current success stories about working through bad luck, from people who are or are not blind.