A few weeks ago, I had my first book release party. It was with my family, which was appropriate because the book is about my brother. Since I live in England, I don’t get to see family often enough, since they live in Minnesota. In this case, I combined a few things with the party. One of them was my birthday, even though it’s not until November. Another was my favorite hobby, which is cycling. Considering all this, I called the book release party my Books & Bikes Birthday. Pictures describe the event better than I can write about it, so a few are below.
- My family surprised me with a wonderful cake that showed my “Books & Bikes Birthday.” Even better, it was a Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake.
- We usually take a family picture when we get together, and as you can see, we laugh a lot.
- I asked that nobody bring gifts to my Books & Bikes Birthday. Instead, I asked them to bring a bike. Here we are leaving my sister Jackie’s place.
- As the previous picture shows, the guy in front was wearing an orange shirt. That’s my brother, Mike. Here he is again. The fact that he can’t see much doesn’t stop him from enjoying a bike ride. The spirit behind that choice is one of the reasons I wrote the book about him.
- I thoroughly enjoy biking. It’s even better with friends and family, especially on a trail as good as the Lake Wobebone Bike Trail.
- Mike and I enjoying the simple pleasure of a bike ride. I still smile at the thought of a blind guy leading the way, especially since it seems so ordinary for Mike.
- We took a nice break on a bridge that overlooked a stream.
- Before I signed books, we had more laughs at Jackie’s place.
- Mike and I posed for the camera with the book.
- This is yet another picture showing more laughs, more family, and the last image of the Dairy Queen cake before we enjoyed it.
- The picture on the book cover is from the Lowertown area of St. Paul. I’m standing very close to where the picture was taken.
Thanks to everyone for a great Books & Bikes Birthday!