The first review of my book has arrived, and I’m happy with it. The reviewer is from Indie Books Gone Wild. They are giving away a free copy of the book. If you’d like to register for the give-away, click here.
By Tia Bach on October 12, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Facing life with declining sight, Mike has to re-evaluate his goals. He begins attending a school for blind adults. There he meets people like him and learns some sobering lessons about his future. But he also finds love, adventure, and hope.
Full of humor and emotion, this story gives us a hero to root for. Mike understands his new limitations, but he strives to find a way around them. Granted, not without a few bumps in the road. But he handles them with grace and flashes of humor. You can’t help but like the guy.
There are some great peripheral characters. Ones that capture your heart and tickle your funny bone. It’s a nice reminder of the roller coaster of emotions that is life.
If you are looking for a book with emotional payouts and endearing wit, check this one out.
Note: I served as a proofreader for this book through Indie Books Gone Wild. A positive review was not requested or guaranteed; the opinions expressed are my own.
This actually sounds fascinating. I think I’m going to need to go and look it up. Thanks for posting about it!
Hi Michaela,
Thanks for your comment about my book. It’s always fun to hear some comments from another writer. I had a look at your blog, very impressive.